POE Flasks, Suffixes, Crafting - Everything what you need to know
Poe flasks
Path of Exile is just another game where players have to put up with endless waves of monsters by either punching them in the face with their fists, slashing down with melee weapons, or dismembering with powerful magic. But every adventurer needs to take a step back and rest a little while to regain his health and get back to full strength. Well... At least if he doesn't use flasks.
A quick word on Flasks
Besides various weaponry that helps us killing monsters, and armors that defends us from the brute strength of our opponents, every Exile has some flasks in their toolkit. Flasks are used to rapidly recover health, mana, and other resources that help you survive, but might also be used to temporarily boost certain statistics or protect the character from different effects. The Flask has a certain amount of charges and some of them are consumed on use giving you a chance to use it a couple of times before it runs dry. They can be refilled to the maximum by visiting a town, but they will also recover slowly during the combat. Each of the Flasks can be kept on a belt in the bottom left corner of the screen for quick access.
If you are new to the game, you will be most likely using regular health and mana Flasks. Take with you a one or two that will be able to restore your magical power and fill remaining slots with ones that can heal you up. If you find a Flask that instantly heals put it on the shortcut that you will be able to easily reach. The rest of the Flasks can be the regular ones. They recover health at a slower pace but they are more efficient in the amount healed.
During the early stages, you will also receive a Quicksilver Flask. Make sure to equip it since it increases the movement speed of a character by quite a bit for a short time upon use. On every level, it is important to have good traverse speed to avoid incoming attacks, escape from the dangerous zones, and progress through the content at a faster pace. As a new player, you won't have any gap closers and skills that could let you move quickly so this will be your only option.
What are the types of Flasks PoE has
In PoE, there are Flasks of Normal, Magic, and Unique rarity. The first two can recover health, mana, or both at the same time. They can also provide increased magic resistance and movement speed and some of them might give various bonuses. Most of the Normal and Magic Flasks are used for stat recovery but Unique Flasks are mainly needed for the utility that's needed for certain character builds. Here are all of the categories that Flasks are divided into.
Recovery Flasks
Life Flasks - This subtype of flasks is responsible for health recovery. When used, it will regenerate the player's life slowly or instantly (an affix might affect the flask application). There are twelve tiers of Life Flasks, and each of them recovers a different amount of health, but also requires a higher level from the user. If the multiple Life Flasks are used at the same time they will be queued and their effects won't stack. The only known Unique Life Flask is a Blood of the Karui.
Mana Flasks - Those work similarly to Life Flasks, but instead of Life they are recovering Mana with either instant or over time effect. With every higher tier, they will give more and more Mana, and require higher and higher levels. Unique Mana Flasks are Deodre's Elixir, Zerphi's Last Breath, and Lavianga's Spirit.
Hybrid Flasks - Another type of recovery flasks. Those combine both Health and Mana recovery in a single bottle. Although it might sound too good to pass on, Hybrid Flasks recover less Health and less Mana than resource-specific flasks. They are usually not worth using. However there are few notable Unique Hybrid Flasks like Divination Distillate and The Writhing Jar.
Utility Flasks
Movement Speed Flasks - the main flask that is associated with this category is a Quicksilver Flask. They offer at least a 40% increase to the player's Movement Speed for a short period. Because it is only a few seconds, it is important to have multiple charges - especially during leveling. On the other hand, there is also Silver Flask that grants Onslaught buff - a 20% bonus to Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed during its duration.
Resistance Flasks - As the name suggests, these ones offer bonuses to various Resistances. They are rarely useful as you should have all of the Resistances besides Chaos maxed out anyways. You might want to use them against bosses that wield certain Elemental types to decrease damage received, though. In this category you will find:
Bismuth Flask: 35% bonus to all Elemental Resistances
Amethyst Flask: 35% to Chaos Resistance
Ruby Flask: 50% Fire Resistance and 20% Fire Damage Reduction
Topaz Flask: 50% Lightning Resistance and 20% Lightning Damage Reduction
Sapphire Flask: 50% Cold Resistance and 20% Cold Damage Reduction.
Defensive Flasks - Those flasks provide various defensive effects that might increase your survivability and bolster your main defensive attribute.
Stibnite Flask: 100% increase to Evasion Rating
Aquamarine Flask: 20% chance to avoid Cold Damage when hit
Granite Flask: +3000 Armour
Jade Flask: +3000 Evasion Rating
Quartz Flask: Phasing and a 10% Chance to Dodge Attacks and Spells
Basalt Flask: 15% Physical Damage Reduction, 20% of the Physical Damage reflected to the attacker
Damage increasers - This category fits the Sulphur Flask that increases the damage by 40%. Diamond Flask also somewhat fits here, if you are playing a low Crit chance build as it allows for Critical Attacks to be "Lucky".
Unique Utility Flasks - There are multiple Utility Uniques that provide very different kinds of bonuses. You can pretty much find all of the affixes and suffixes that you can think of on those flasks, and since there are so many PoE Unique Flasks we won't be mentioning every single one.
Prefixes and Suffixes
Each of the Flasks can have Prefixes and Suffixes which are the lines of bonuses on the item. They can be added, removed, and altered by the use of the Orbs like Orb of Transmutation, Orb of Alteration, and Orb of Augmentation. To give you an example: When you have an "Experimenter's Hallowed Life Flask of Steadiness" the part "Experimenter's" is your Prefix and "of Steadiness" is the Suffix.
PoE Flask Crafting
It is easy to make a useful Flask with good stats in the Path of Exile. You can craft one on your own with a small amount of investment and if you are lucky you might even make some profit on it. All that you need is a couple of Orbs and a Flask base that you will use for upgrading. Make sure to choose an item that you can upgrade all the way if your level is not too high.
Google up a Prefix and Suffix that you want to get on your Flask.
Find the item base that you will be trying to upgrade and make sure that your Prefix and Suffix can occur at the item level that you will be using.
Use Glassblower's Bauble to reach 20% quality on your upgraded Flask.
Use Orb of Transmutation to get your item into a Magic rarity and see what Prefixes and Suffixes it has.
Use Orb of Alteration if your Prefix didn't satisfy you and repeat using it to get the desired Prefix.
If your Prefix is correct but you didn't get a Suffix to use the Orb of Augmentation.
If you have good Prefix but from Suffix go back to Orb of Alterations and try again.
All Flasks in the game can be upgraded with Glassblower's Bauble Orbs to increase their quality. Normal items will receive 5% quality for each Orb, Magic 2%, and Unique 1%. There is no chance of failure, so each of the orbs used will give a guaranteed result. To maximize efficiency during flask upgrades you want to always upgrade Normal flasks and use other Orbs on them afterward. If your Flask already became Magic, it might be better to use Orb of Scouring to bring it back to Normal and then improve its quality, than to use 10 Baubles on a Magic item.
The quality of a flask improves its properties depending on the type of an item. For Life Flasks it will be an increased amount of health regenerated, for Quicksilver's longer duration, and for Uniques, it might be a better effect.
Divine versus Eternal flasks
If you have been upgrading your flasks to higher tier every time that you could, you might have noticed that there is quite a big difference between Hallowed and Sanctified flasks or Divine and Eternal flasks. Even though Eternal Flask has a higher tier than a Divine Flask and a bigger level requirement it does not provide higher amounts of regeneration. The reason for that is that Divine Flasks has a much faster recovery speed. Let's look at the stats:
Divine Life Flask - Level req. 60, Life 2400, Duration 7, Usage 15, Capacity 45.
Eternal Life Flask - Level req. 65, Life 2080, Duration 4, Usage 15, Capacity 45.
Divine Mana Flask - Level req. 60, Mana 1400, Duration 5, Usage 8, Capacity 42.
Eternal Mana Flask - Level req. 65, Mana 1800, Duration 7, Usage 8, Capacity 42.
For a base flask, you usually should use Eternal Flasks which provide faster recovery and therefore are more likely to save you from quick damage bursts. If you are playing a class with high health pool you might as well take Divine Flask which although is slower in terms of regeneration, but will give you a better value in terms of the amount recovered.
It is important to pay attention to which base flask you are choosing for your upgrades. If you are trying to get an instant recovery on your flask, the Divine Flask is a much better choice than the Eternal one because it will give you much higher heal - even though it has a lower level requirement. On the other hand, if your goal is to roll a "Saturated" affix on a flask, you will be much better by doing it on the Eternal Life Flask. This way you will drastically increase it's healing potential while making Duration longer by only 0.5 seconds. Make wise choices while upgrading your flasks and do not think that one is better than another only because of the higher level requirements.
It is all that we wanted to address in this guide to flasks in Path of Exile. We are certain that this guide has given you some insight into this matter which is very important for every Exile. Flasks are your first line of defense so always have correct ones attached to your belt. Use them when the times are dire to regenerate lost health and recover used mana. With a decent flask set, no monster will be able to bring you down.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do Flasks stack in PoE?
They do not stack their effects - the queue one after another.
Where can I buy Quicksilver flask?
You can buy them from other players or get from quests and drops
How do I upgrade flasks in the Path of Exile?
By using Glassblower's Bauble you get 5% quality on Normal Flasks, 2% on Magic, and 1% on Unique. You can get up to a 20% quality on a Flask.